Your authentic story and why it matters

Your authentic love story is personal and etched into your life experience. It's who you are, what inspires you, who inspires you, and why. 

It's your challenges, triumphs, and all the moments that led you here. 

And it's that story that we yearn to capture and tell in your wedding film. 

When you think about it, your wedding is more than one day. Sure, the marriage ceremony happens within 24 hours, but that's just part of the story. 

The meaning behind the marriage and the journey you and your fiancé took to reach this point goes beyond one day of filming. 

We connect with you long before your wedding day happens to uncover your authentic story. Because it’s personal, it’s powerful, and it has the potential to move whoever listens to it.

Here are a few reasons why your unique love story matters so much.

You're Not Mannequins

How many wedding videos have you seen that follow the same formula? And what about the people? Do you feel any sort of connection with them, or could you swap them with a set of mannequins and get the same reaction?

You're not some other couple, and you're certainly not a pair of mannequins. 

You're you, and that should have some influence on what we're creating.

We don't just show up to your wedding to point our camera at some humans and film. 

And we don't just show up to document any old wedding. We capture characters, personalities, and the true essence of you and your people. 

Which is why, although your wedding film is something personal to you and your partner, we believe someone who doesn’t even know you should be able to watch your video and feel something— a spark of inspiration, a hopeful moment, and a stirring of the heart. 

Your Story is Immortal

Prominent English poet John Keats penned the poem Ode on a Grecian Urn in 1819, writing in the second stanza:

Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave

  Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;

    Bold lover, never, never canst thou kiss,

Though winning near the goal—yet, do not grieve;

  She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss,

    For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!

Keats' poem, in a nutshell, describes moments frozen in time. Two lovers who will never age. A tree that will never lose its leaves. A song whose sweet melody never fades.

Your authentic love story becomes like the pictures painted on the Grecian urn - forever frozen, always beautiful.

But unlike a painting or photograph, a film brings your story to life. 

You'll be able to relive the moments, hear the music, and watch as the sun sets behind your altar forevermore. 

It Serves as a Reminder 

Your story captured on film will serve as a reminder of your love. Because, as anyone who’s been married for some time will tell you, marriage isn’t easy. And it's all too easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of our lives. Sometimes we need a moment to sink into gratitude and remember our story. 

So, create a new tradition by watching your wedding film together every anniversary.

Or watch it on your own on those days when life’s got your priorities a little out of whack.

Whenever you need a little light, a little reminder of how incredible you two are together, and how much you love one another…watch your film, and remember your story. 

Your Story Gets Passed Down 

Just as cave paintings, campfire tales, love poems, and memoirs all delight, inspire, and teach us something about the people they're about, so too will your authentic story. 

You are two random people who found each other and fell in love. That's pretty amazing in itself. 

Then, you got married and had everything captured on film so that many years from now, other people - kids, grandkids, great grandkids- will know your story. And not only know it but live it in some small way. 

That’s why we're not here to give you a templated wedding video full of pretty pictures and predictable moments. That’s not an option. Because your film isn't just about your wedding. It's about everything that came before it and the future it represents.

Your story matters. It is the foundation of your entire film. And worth telling authentically. 

Let's Tell Yours 

Ultimately, your authentic story matters because it means something to you. And that means something to us! 

We promise a personal experience and film that represents your day and your story in a personal and unique way. 

Months before your wedding day, we'll learn your story, connect with your people, and create a structure so that we can creatively and effectively tell your tale. 

Contact us if you're ready to get started. We can't wait to hear about your adventure!


Catskills Wedding At Full Moon Resort


Why all wedding films are not the same